Featured Customer – The Old Lutz School

just recently had the honor to design a website for a local landmark here in Lutz, Florida called “The  Old  Lutz School”.  While working on the website  I definitely got to have a history lesson  about the Old Lutz School.  Besides the website, I provided the Old Lutz School a Facebook page, Twitter page, MailChimp account, and set-up a Paypal account for them to sell their merchandise on their website.


2014 Guv’na of Lutz Debate

For those of you that know me, know that I have a history of migraines. In the last three days I have had one that just doesn’t want to go away. Today, I was to participate in the Guv’na of Lutz Debate this afternoon but unfortunately with the migraine I was unable to attend. So thankful for the current Guv’na of Lutz, Suzin Buzas Carr for offering to not only find a replacement to answer the questions/games in my absence but also come to North Lutz to pick up my goodies to sale at the debate. (more…)

Making Dreams Became a Reality a second time!

This year, I have decided to run again for the “Guv’na of Lutz”.   The Lutz Guv’na race has been a tradition in this small community for more than two decades.   In case you are wondering what that is, it is a honorary title and the person who wins it is a goodwill ambassador for Lutz.  (more…)